The mitfahrgelegenheit is a ride share system that is both economical and a great way to meet local people. A 1984 Mercedes bus was my transport from Leipzig to Berlin with Tim, his canoe, a box of organic produce, a beautiful hippie woman who, when I awoke from my nap, was dressed in German costume, her hair, once flowing, now in dangling braid loops. Christoph, a drummer on his way to two band rehearsals, was also a passenger. He spoke at length of his love for Berlin and offered to share his two free hours with me in the afternoon to show me the city. Thank goodness for Christoph! After nodding off on the top deck of a boring (and expensive) sightseeing tour bus that sloshed through the raniy streets of Berlin for a couple hours, Christoph offered a brightness and personality to the day. Berlin is too big to see in a day (no surprise)--especially a rainy day--especially when PMS has taken hold of the body and mind.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Beyond Tourism
The mitfahrgelegenheit is a ride share system that is both economical and a great way to meet local people. A 1984 Mercedes bus was my transport from Leipzig to Berlin with Tim, his canoe, a box of organic produce, a beautiful hippie woman who, when I awoke from my nap, was dressed in German costume, her hair, once flowing, now in dangling braid loops. Christoph, a drummer on his way to two band rehearsals, was also a passenger. He spoke at length of his love for Berlin and offered to share his two free hours with me in the afternoon to show me the city. Thank goodness for Christoph! After nodding off on the top deck of a boring (and expensive) sightseeing tour bus that sloshed through the raniy streets of Berlin for a couple hours, Christoph offered a brightness and personality to the day. Berlin is too big to see in a day (no surprise)--especially a rainy day--especially when PMS has taken hold of the body and mind.
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